I have just received the most beautiful basket of flowers, sent from friends John and Michelle, such a lovely surprise. Pat and I met them on our tour of India last November and as they are football fanatics like us, I guess we bonded straight away. Their team, Sheffield United played Ipswich last Sunday, the last match of the season, so I invited them down to stay for the bank holiday weekend. We had a great time, even though the match didn't go well for Pat and I, with a score of 0 - 3!! Thanks so much to John and Michelle for the lovely flowers, it was a pleasure having them to stay. Karin, Nicola and families came over for lunch on Monday and took flowers to Paul. They all think his stone is beautiful and we are sure that Paul would approve too.
Beautiful flowers from John and Michelle, the 'Blades' fans
John and Michelle at Portman Road for the Ipswich Town v Sheffield United match