Memories of Paul

2010 April 27

Created by Jill 14 years ago
I have been away to Newcastle on a football "weekender" and was so apprehensive before we left on Friday. We lost Paul at this time last year, whilst I was away in Cardiff and I was so worried that memories of the saddest and most heartbreaking time in my life would make it a very difficult and upsetting weekend. I had decided that I should go because I know that Paul would want me to be strong and I have such happy memories of the football "weekenders" when Paul was in his early teens and he, along with sisters Tracey and Nicola, his Auntie Pat and I would have great fun together. I needn't have worried, because everyone was so kind and supportive and apart from some moments of sad recollection, I enjoyed myself. I arrived home last night and have been to see Paul's memorial stone today. I formatted it myself, and hoped that my choice of words and layout would be right for Paul. I am really happy, as it looks lovely and is just how I imagined it would be. Thanks must go to John Smith, the stonemason who carried out the work exactly as I had asked. Family and friends have added touching "thoughts" to Paul's tribute site on this first anniversary, another milestone passed. I have dedicated 14th May as "Paul's Day", a poignant but somehow beautiful, warm, sunny day when we gathered together to say our "goodbyes" to Paul. I hope that family and friends will think especially of Paul on this day each year and maybe visit his spot and recall happy memories.
