A message from Jacqueline

2009 August 06

Created by Jill 15 years ago
Yesterday, I received a lovely message from Jacqueline Dart who has also very kindly donated to Epilepsy Action in Paul's memory. Jacqueline is a similar age to Paul and our families lived next door to each other in Ravensdale, Great Clacton for fifteen years from 1966 to 1981. We all have such happy memories of those years. Paul and the girls spent many hours playing with Ashley and twins Jacqueline & Jeremy and loved their "Auntie" Ann and "Uncle" Bernard. Ann would ferry all the children around in her mini traveller, in the days before seat belts and stricter "health & safety". It is comforting to know that Paul's happy childhood years are fondly remembered by Jacqueline, who shared so many of those years with him.
