"Paul's Day", 5th Anniversary

2014 May 14

Created by Jill 10 years ago
Once more the sun has shone brightly on Paul's "special day". I visited Paul's spot this morning with fresh flowers from Tracey and I. Paul's friend Clair sent a lovely card as always which I left at Paul's spot while walking Monty through the meadows this evening and I have added her fond message to the "Thoughts" link. I have received lots of comforting messages from family and friends on Facebook throughout the day and the following message from Paul's friend Luey puts into words just how much Paul is loved by all his friends - "Think we all think of him all the time and don't think many of us will have such love around us when we die and for years after. Paul is special like that, he made time for his friends and was supportive in a way which is rare these days. We all miss him and always will xxx" Many thanks to Luey for those lovely words which make me feel very proud of Paul. He will never be forgotten, always in our thoughts and forever in our hearts. Love you Paul ♥ xxx
