Today is the 4th anniversary of "Paul's Day". Family and friends said their goodbyes to Paul on a bright and sunny May morning in 2009 and I have dedicated that day to Paul's memory. As always I had open house for "Paul's Day" and was happy to see my long time friend Jean Dale from Colchester this morning. She brought flowers for Paul and stayed for around two hours for a chat. Pat called round this afternoon with a pretty dahlia plant for Paul. Paul's friend Lisa was hoping to vist from Suffolk but her car is in for repair. With the weather so cold and wet today, my friend Jean Hayes didn't venture out but she took bluebells from her garden to Paul's spot a few days ago. I have flowers for Paul too so am hoping that the weather will improve soon to enable me to take them to his spot, along with Jean's flowers and Pat's dahlia. I have received lots of kind messages on Facebook and family & friends have lit candles and left fond thoughts on Paul's tribute. As each year passes I still miss Paul so much and it is comforting to know that others are missing him too. We all have our happy memories of Paul which will last forever ♥♥♥
PS 16/05/2013 - At last the weather has improved and today has been bright and sunny so I was able to take Paul's flowers to his spot.