Lisa Bayliss 26th April 2010

Good evening Paul, bet your ears are burning up in heaven tonight as Luey and I have been speaking about you on and off all day. She said it was good to see you in her dream last night, even though she woke up upset. She has asked me to say she loves you, as I do. So when are you coming to see me in my dreams? I feel left out!! Can't believe that it has been a year. Harry said today that you are happy in heaven and it's purple and you are an animal spirit rat!! Wierded me out a bit, but I suppose we were born in the year of the rat and they are sociable, quick witted and are always here and there, so that would fit. I love you and miss you daily. I'm sure I've felt you with us today and it's comforting to think you are still here with me. x x x